Saturday, February 13, 2010

No snivelling today, Look for the Heroes

Among the many things I am passionate about, the things that give me joy, is owning the privilege of watching my fellow humans do the most amazingly unselfish, self-sacrificing, difficult, dangerous and too often death-defying things on behalf of complete strangers and animals alike. I envy their stamina for staying in the good-deeds department day in and day out. There is so much to do, so very much that I sometimes think my heart will shatter under the weight of it all.

In no particular order of adoration I offer Jane Goodall, the Dalai Lama, my father Christie Kiefer, the Monks of New Skete, Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Cesar and Ilusion Millan, Wendell Berry, and my partner, who lovingly supports my attempts to share some coherent scribbling with you, and confesses shameless gratitude that I've moved my rants out of the living room and into a Blog.

Frankly, there are plenty of days when I would rather stay in bed and watch Lassie reruns, eat bon bons (Sees’ Candy variety if you’re ever inclined), take a nap, seduce my partner back into bed, read trash, take another nap and pretend that what really counts is that my little circle of family and friends are mostly safe and perfectly okay without me. Which they usually are anyway, but that’s not the point. It’s NOT enough to feel your conscience only when the next horror story downloads itself into your private little inbox. You must make a difference, no matter how small you think it is. The smallest gesture of love and sacrifice can save a life without you ever knowing it. I’m pretty sure you get pink clouds at sunset for that kind of act. Pretty nifty payback.

 So okay, sometimes, I DO stay in bed and pretend. I’m entitled to a walloping good bad day as much as the 
 next pasty, winter-weary slouch. Or so I tell myself. Usually about the time I’ve got my pillows arranged just so, something will drop into my mental inbox that makes me wince with guilt and a dab of fear for playing procrastination roulette with life, and I drag my lazy bones out of bed, gather up my bon bons, look longingly at the nice warm spot my partner had the gumption to vacate before I did and whine my privileged ass downstairs to do the work of living mindfully, thoughtfully and compassionately. This is FAR more work than you might imagine for me. Fumbling attempts at sarcasm and a questionable grasp of cynicism’s concepts are so much easier to put out there. And I’m lazy. Really. Whole new level of laziness most of you will never accomplish. If my mother were still around she’d make a point of letting you know how lazy I am. Which reminds me, just because something is TRUE doesn’t mean you should repeat it within earshot of the guilty party. I’d much rather people talk behind my back.

So, my lesson to myself today was to remember my heroes, and try to make a difference. It is in that spirit I share with you the names of just some of the people I worship, more than bon bons even.

I think I shall make one day a week hero-sharing day. 


Anonymous said...

My soul sis'ta, I's lazy too! Valentine's Day, I didn't want to spend it out with the crowd's. Sweet, lovely, comforting bed and with my honey even better. Eat, drink and be merry in bed and of course napping. Glorious napping, restful napping! Guilt set in because it was a beautiful day outside...."not". I didn't want to go out. A hermit with a partner in crime. Bliss for a moment because alas at one point I must go to work to pay for my comfort.

My heroes are my mother and grandmother's, Eleanor Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Queen Elizabeth I. I have a lot more but these come to mind at the moment. I admire the power and strength that people have in them, perhaps because I feel I lack it.

I enjoyed your blog, thank you. Could I share this with a friend?


Katrina Kiefer said...

Please share with anyone you think would enjoy it!

Nick Kiefer said...

Hi, I'll be one of your readers. You are a fantastic writer. Facebook said there was some sort of "event" and I guess I missed it, but it is where I found out about your blog so...

Looking forward to your various rants...
Aloha, your cuzin Nicholas or Klaus or whatever you prefer... :-)

Katrina Kiefer said...

Thank you Klaus, very kind words and lovely of you to tolerate my The "event" on FaceBook was simply an invitation to read the blog. Please feel free to pass it on to anyone you feel it's appropriate for.


How was your volunteer experience at your local No-Kill Shelter?